
Comments on A Trackless Domain Book 6: The Happy Ending

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I am so glad you wrote this story and made it a happy ending! I just don't understand the hesitance over original characters... the show had plenty of peripheral characters that were essential to the story line. Besides, they add spice to flavor up a story; 100% Napoleon and Illya as fabulous as they are would just be boring.

Jess and George are very special as well as being my favorite OC's and that includes all of the other fandoms I read as well. I'm glad Jess had time to mature into himself and find a love of his own. I'm also glad that you had George slug him - and not break his hand - it would have been something else for May to blame Illya for. Enjoyed it and I'm so thankful that you shared it!

in case this is truly the end, i want to let you know how much i've enjoyed the series, the alternate version, the additional endings--your whole muncle universe, including the stories where Illya comes over as a boy and lives with George Piper.

oh well, bottom line, i've thoroughly enjoyed every story you've posted at Chrome and Gunmetal, bought the zines, and reread most of your stories more than once.

Thank you for writing these stories. I hope you continue to write in this fandom. Do you write in any other fandoms?

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