
Comments on No Hay A Quien Culpar

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Hi there!

You came up as my random story for the evening and what a joy. I read this story before, but long ago and way out of sequence so I didn't know who Velon was - although I give you credit for effectively filling in the backstory without a break in the current action - but this time, with the backstories firmly in place it really hit me. You also handled the deprogramming aspect very well and courageously. I know that is probably what would actually happen but I don't like the idea of it so I dodge it with the rather feeble self excuse that it wasn't really mentioned on the series except for the whole George thing with the whirly lights. Which took all of - what, 3 minutes? They sure were big on the whirly pinwheels of light back in the 60s. Anyway I really enjoyed this although it is too sad that the cat was dead! And I LOVED Napoleon taking the singing waiter down! He's still got it!


Wonderful story! I like how it touches, not only the their established relationship (I have a weakenss for happy, well-established relationships of any kind), but also on how their past made them who they were. I really like how you resolved Illya's problem from having not going through the same procedure as Napoleon when he left the Command.

The only part I didn't like was how much they've aged by now... *sniff* meaning either a wind-down of stories in this delightful series or... worse!

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