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107 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
Results are sorted by Author, Ascending.

Rain (19 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: After an exhausting day fighting Thrush, Napoleon and Illya find themselves at a cozy bed and breakfast in upstate New York.
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The Power of Suggestion (22 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Humor, First Time
Summary: Two Thrush femme fatales give Illya ideas about his partner. Originally written for a Muncle challenge.
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The Best Medicine (11 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Napoleon has an effective treatment for Illya's aches and pains.
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Therapy (7 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Episode Related, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Summary: Whether this little vignette is slash or not slash is wholly up to the interpretation of the reader.
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First Time (7 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: First Time
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Sometimes a cigar... (21 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance, Established Relationship
Summary: Illya visits a psychiatrist to try to understand his dreams. (As I wrote the story, I was picturing Judd Hirsch in the doctor's role.) Originally in the Incognito e-zine.
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Sex in High Places (38 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: Napoleon, Illya and Mark are assigned to guard a foreign diplomat and his staff. First published in Clandestine Affairs 2.
Note: Contrary to many readers' expectations, there is no airplane in this story.
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Vigils (9 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: A series of bedside vigils shows Napoleon and Illya growing closer. Originally posted on File Forty.
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Transitions (34 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nataliya
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Promotions at UNCLE bring changes to several lives. Pre-slash.
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Guarded (415 K) (Format: pdf )
Author: Nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: What if the job isn't enough?
What if it's too much?
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The Alexander Waverly Affair (23 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Warnings: Death Story
Summary: Life and death at a funeral
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The New ERA Affair (29 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: Kuryakin rescues Solo after he is drugged. But who will rescue Illya?
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The Week Link Affair (18 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: A weekly debriefing, NS/IK style.
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Eleven and Two (61 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: If Illya can't be Section Two, will it give him a section eight?
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Complete Confidence (79 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: Solo performs some vermin control.
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Mettle Under Tension (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: One ringy-dingy, two this the party to whom I am speaking?
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Rattled (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: Even Fantastic Plastic needs love.
Written for the NS/IK action figures.
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Cold Warriors (58 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: Illya's been recalled. Will Napoleon let him go?
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Cut and Run (3 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: KT Bar the door
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The First Aid Affair (25 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: Illya needs a boo-boo band-aid
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Remission of Sin (83 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Warnings: Death Story
Summary: Friends stay closer than a brother. Even when they're U.N.C.L.E.s.
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Warm-Blooded (7 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Heated dreams
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Inertia (6 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: The name of the game
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Winding Down (11 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: After action reports
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Switching Sides (197 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action-Adventure, First Time
Summary: From Russia, with love
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Tintinnabulation (119 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: East-West relations or How I Learned to Love the Blond
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The Business As Usual Affair (20 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
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How To Catch A Kuryakin (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Romance, First Time
Summary: To trap a spy.
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Evolution (26 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: Darwinism at its best
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The Trial By Fire Affair (46 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Napoleon/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: The Cold War heats up
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The Revelation Revolution (73 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, First Time
Summary: He didn't like men--like that. Or did he?
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Blackout Conditions (14 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: Fuses? We don' need no stinkin' fuses.
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Trying Times (8 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: Bet you can't.
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Be Careful What You Ask For (23 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Holiday, Established Relationship
Summary: Good things come in small packages--especially Russians.
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The Sweet Dreams Affair (31 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: When the walls came tumbling down.
Prequel: The Revelation Revolution by nickovetch
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Concrete Conversations (36 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: Three little words make Illya nervous
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You Can't Keep a Good Man Down (96 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Will the real Napoleon Solo please stand up?
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The Flesh of My Flesh Affair (99 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Waverly gives Solo an ultimatum. Illya responds instead.
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When Napoleon Met Illya (15 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship
Summary: Fantastic Plastic Part Two
Action Figure romance
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Cinema Verite (13 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: Special affects.
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Twin Beds, Two Stories (25 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
Summary: He said; he said.
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The I've Got You Covered Affair (41 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Wither thou goest
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The Take Two Aspirin Affair (13 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Humor, Pre-Slash
Summary: Birthday bashes
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Experiment In Vivo (28 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Action-Adventure, Established Relationship
Summary: You go, I go.
Sequel: A Dish Best Served Cold by Nickovetch
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The I Grok Spock Affair (5 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Humor, Pre-Slash
Summary: Follow up to Killer Convention
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The Shadow of a Doubt Affair (125 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Summary: Shoulder to shoulder even when backed into a corner
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Incurable (66 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Action-Adventure, First Time
Summary: Batter up?
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And Miles To Go (51 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Minnesota. Mosquitoes. Malaria. Are we having fun yet?
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Cold (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Warnings: Death Story
Summary: As long as we both shall live
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With A Little Help From My Friends (47 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya/f
Rating: NC-17
Category: Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: Two hands are better than one. Four are better yet. And six is the best.
Prequel: Remission of Sin by nickovetch
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Trust Me (13 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Summary: Put yourself in my hands
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The Matter of Trust Affair (27 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Summary: Cover me
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Pitch and Yaw (3 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Spooky Spies (8 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Holiday, Humor
Summary: Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
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Hip Shots (1 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: Closer than a brother
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Yin and Yang (14 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: Gen story in regular type, slash story in italics. It really is a matter of perspective.
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A Man of Few Words (54 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Warnings: Unusual Sexual Situation
Summary: Illya's mother tongue comes in handy in more than one way.
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The Attack of the Killer Convention Affair (18 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: PG
Category: Alternate Universe, Humor
Summary: I need a scorecard.
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Bi Guys or The We're Not Gay Affair (4 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: Even slash writers get tired of the clichéd NS/IK pairings. Here's an antidote to the run of the mill "They're so hot and such good lovers” stories.don't say I didn't warn you.
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Brothers and Other Strangers (51 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Action-Adventure, Pre-Slash
Summary: Flags of our fathers
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In Repose (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: What day of the week is Someday?
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Barriers (6 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash
Summary: A little help from my friends.
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Objets d'Art (17 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: First Time, Pre-Slash
Summary: Collectibles
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Depth Perception (11 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Humor
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1-900-Napoleon (6 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: Please deposit another twenty-five cents to continue.
Prequel: Mettle Under Tension by nickovetch
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How the Thrush Stole Christmas (9 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: G
Category: Holiday, Humor
Summary: Christmas with Nappy and Illya
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A Dish Best Served Cold (31 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: nickovetch
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: What's a little frostbite between friends?
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Waking Up (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Romance, Established Relationship
Summary: A moment in the morning.
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In Sickness... (5 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Romance
Summary: Pre-slash. A moment on a bathroom floor.
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Voyeur (8 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Challenge, PWP
Summary: Written for the muncle Theme Challenge #14. Illya sees something he wasn't meant to.
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The Mirror, Mirror Affair (274 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Napoleon/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance, Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: Napoleon Solo is used to being charming and attractive. He's used to being pursued, being in control, being the center of attention. But what if it was all taken away? What if it took everything he had just to make people look him in the eye? What would happen then?
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Relapse (7 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Drama-Angst, Challenge
Summary: Written for Challenge #22 on muncle (picture challenge). Illya is injured. Napoleon has a moment of weakness.
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Dirty Laundry (9 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Napoleon/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Challenge, First Time, PWP
Summary: Written for the "wet" challenge on muncle. Shameless porn. The NS/other is implied, not explicit.
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A Good Thing (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Romance, Challenge, Established Relationship
Summary: Written for the muncle Theme Challenge #15. A sweet moment.
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Better Late Than Never (6 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Romance, Challenge, Established Relationship
Summary: (AU for the Return movie, but not for the series.) Ten years after UNCLE is disbanded, April meets Napoleon and Illya at a reunion. Written for the "middle age" challenge on muncle.
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Dated (17 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Challenge, First Time, PWP
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Perspective (3 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Romance, Challenge, PWP
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Dancing (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Romance, Challenge, Established Relationship
Summary: Napoleon asks Illya to dance. Or does he? (Written for muncle challenge #24)
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Communism (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nix
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Napoleon overhears a couple of ladies discussing him.and their comments are less than flattering.
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Nevermore (13 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Drama-Angst, First Time
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Room Temperature (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, First Time, PWP
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The Safety of Distance (157 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Sequel: At a Distance by Nyssa, UNCLE Confidential File Two
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Services Rendered (27 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: NC-17
Category: Alternate Universe, Drama-Angst, First Time, PWP
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One More for the Road (10 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
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Standard Procedure (75 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time
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At a Distance (34 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Nyssa
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Action-Adventure, Established Relationship
Summary: Illya alone, as seen through the eyes of another.
Prequel: Safety of Distance by Nyssa
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The See Lyubyanka and Die Affair (94 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: P.R. Zed
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Series
Summary: Illya is called back to Moscow by his Russian superiors. But will he be allowed to return to the West?
Prequel: The Baltic Affair by P.R. Zed
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The Baltic Affair (59 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: P.R. Zed
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: While on a routine assignment in Riga, Illya runs into a rogue KGB cell.
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Love Trust Break (72 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance, First Time
Summary: Illya has lost all that he was. Napoleon is determined to keep what remains. Together can they find true love?
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Transmutation (74 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Humor, Series
Summary: Lions and Panthers and Deer OH MY. Third in the Tales of the Black Cat series. Warning language and OOC.
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Lost Love (28 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Napoleon finds out Illya loves him, much to Illyas sorrow. So he does the only thing he can think of to keep Napoleon happy. It does have a happy ending don't worry, I love these guys too much for anything else.
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Deception (86 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Humor, Series
Summary: Deep cover was always interesting but you never knew when you might get shot in the butt. Second in Tales of the Black Cat Series. Let the Weirdness Continue!
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Surprise (18 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Humor, Established Relationship, PWP
Warnings: Unusual Sexual Situation, Multiple Partners
Summary: What do you get when you mix UNCLE agents with domination games, sex toys, hair and a first person POV? A whole lot of fun!
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Another Year's Victory (2 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: G
Category: Holiday, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: Illya was dying and he welcomed it. His partner only smiled in amusment.
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Transformation (178 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Humor, Series
Summary: When will Napoleon learn not to leave Illya to his own devices when mad scientists are in the area. Rating for language. First in the series. OOC abounds in this. You were warned. ^_^
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Whirlwind (3 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Pathfindr
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Romance, Humor, Established Relationship, PWP
Summary: Plot What Plot If I gave a summary there would be no story. /\_/\
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Friend To Fear (97 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Illya/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst
Summary: Before being sent to UNCLE, Illya has a relationship that is doomed from the beginning.
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Exclusive Rights (95 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Illya/other
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst, Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: Napoleon and Illya never promised to be exclusive to each other. Should they?
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SAVE ME (205 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH and Gary James
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Series
Summary: What happened in Arabia was only the beginning. Are Illya and Napoleon really ready to take their partnership to the next level?
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Behind Blue Eyes (259 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH and GJ
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Series
Summary: Kopf takes matters into his own hands when Waverly won't allow him to do an in-depth psych exam on Illya.
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DON'T PAY THE FERRYMAN (260 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH and GJ
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Illya/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, First Time
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Return To Innocence (405 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: paulaH and GJ
Pairings: Illya/other
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Series
Summary: A mission involves someone important from Illya's past.
Sequel: Behind Blue Eyes by paulaH and GJ
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Spy Games (12 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Periwinkle
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya, Other m/m
Rating: NC-17
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: "How did we get stuck with a simple surveillance job anyway?"
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Seven Views of Napoleon (5 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Periwinkle
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: Seven drabbles of Napoleon through Illya's eyes.
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It Smelled Like Perfume (36 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Periwinkle
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: R
Category: Holiday, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: Napoleon has sworn he only wants Illya, but the place reeks of perfume. Is Napoleon seeing someone behind his lover's back?
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Ridiculous (3 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Periwinkle
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Humor, First Time
Summary: Napoleon and Illya set out to determine which is better - kissing a woman or kissing a man? A ficlet in dialogue.
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Playing With Partners (17 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Portia
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya/f
Rating: NC-17
Category: First Time, Established Relationship, PWP
Warnings: Multiple Partners
Summary: A fellow section 2 agent has a request. (If I'm going to write a fantasy, I might as well make it fantastic.)
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