Search Results

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7 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
Results are sorted by Author, Ascending.

The Solo Agent Affair (30 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Waif
Pairings: Withheld
Rating: R
Category: Drama-Angst
Warnings: Rape/Non-con
Summary: Napoleon doesn't want a partner. Sometimes life does not offer the luxury of choice.
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The One (21 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Waif
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama-Angst, Romance
Summary: Napoleon is retiring from UNCLE and afraid of a life alone.
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The Desperate Act (58 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: Waif
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, First Time
Summary: In a panic Illya takes Napoleon to bed but will the agents be able to deal with the repercussions of this act of desperation?
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Red (7 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: winterwood
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG
Category: Episode Related, Drama-Angst, Pre-Slash
Summary: What's the meaning of red?
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Temporarily Inactive (13 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: X-parrot
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: PG-13
Category: Episode Related, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Established Relationship
Summary: (Tag to "The Arabian Affair") "Then prove it," Napoleon said, and that was all the warning he gave.
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The Chapter's End (28 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: xisney
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama-Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: Illya Kuryakin leaves U.N.C.L.E. and Napoleon after a display of their homosexuality. Napoleon seeks Illya out to try to mend any damage of their relationship.
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The Man in Women's Clothing Affair (19 K) (Format: html , text-only , Mobi)
Author: xisney
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, PWP
Summary: Illya comes back from a job distraught after he wears women's clothing to aid in his spy work. Napoleon works to rebuild his ego.
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