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2 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
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At the Crossroads (125 K) (Format: html , text-only )
Author: ChannelD
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Romance, Action-Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Crossover, First Time
Summary: An Illya/Napoleon story set in H.P. Lovecraft's universe. Because I have always wanted to write one.
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This Heart of Mine (62 K) (Format: html , text-only )
Author: ChannelD
Pairings: Napoleon/Illya
Rating: NC-17
Category: Alternate Universe, Drama-Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Summary: Ivan Petrovich, Illya's evil uncle, shows up in UNCLE HQ. If this sounds familiar it is because I have written this story before in many other iterations. IP popped up again for this one but I have a strong feeling it's for the last time.
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